Monday, August 12, 2019

EXAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

EXAM - Essay Example Space geodesy is also known as satellite geodesy. Point positioning is a major application that accurately determines the coordinates of points in space, land and sea. The locations of points are determined by linking measurements of known points with terrestrial positions that are not known.It may include transformation between astronomical C.S and terrestrial C.S. Use of GPS satellites, triangulation and other satellite geodesy are used to for the known points positioning. The satellite geodesy is relevant in intersatellite tracking. Space geodesy determines the positions of points, both relatively and absolutely. Space geodesy, currently, has been formed to provide abundant and accurate geodetic data than the classical systems. Satellite geodesy helps in determination of precise local or regional geodetic control, earth’s gravitational pull determination and modelling and measurement of geodynamic phenomenon. Geodynamic phenomenon include polar motion,crustal deformation and the earth’s rotation. Space geodesy consists observation and computational techniques which allow for solutions above geodetic problems by precise measurements to or from artificial satellites. This is the geodesy aspect that strictly concerns geometrical relationships of the earth’s surface. The earth’s surface is measured in different ways, such as triangulation, electronic surveys and trilateration for the purpose of determining the shape, size of the earth and the precise location of points on the surface of the earth. Geometric geodesy is a science that considers the geoid by the use of astrogeodetic method. Most of the spatial data errors are processing errors: Numerical errors, cascading errors, topological errors, digitizing and geocoding errors. Processing errors are those errors that are introduced during digitizing and processing. For example, conversion of data from raster to

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