Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Assume,. for. example,. that. the. encoder. generates. 600. pulses. per. revolution,. and. it. takes. 000. motor. revolutions. to. move. the. platform. from. one. position. to. another,. moving. the. platform. from. position. . to. position. 6. (5. positions). takes. 5000. motor. revolutions. or. 30,000. encoder. pulses.. In. most. practical. applications,. the. frequency. of. these. pulses. is. too. high. for. them. to. be. counted. with. inputs. that. are. not. associated. with. a. highspeed. counter.. softens. S7-cc. PLCs. incorporate. instructions. for. use. with. interrupts.. Interrupts. are. used. to. initiate. a. specific,. hort. PLC. program. segment,. called. an. interrupt. routine,. when. an. internal. or. external. event. occurs.. After. the. interrupt. routine. has. been. executed,. function. is. returned. to. the. main. program. Three. types. of. interrupts. are. sup larboarded. by. S7- two hundred. PLCs,. communion port interrupts,. I/O interrupts,. and. timebased in terrupts.. conference. port. interrupts. are. used. to. control. a. communication. port. operated. in. Freeport. mode.. I/O. interrupts. are. used. to. respond. quickly. to. high-speed. I/O. transitions,. such. as. those. associated. with. high-speed. counters. or. pulse. train. outputs..Time-based. interrupts. allow. the. user. program. to. execute. an. interrupt. routine. on. a. cyclic. basis. Each. of. these. types. of. interrupts. has. an. associated. priority. that. determines. which. interrupt. is. processed. first. in. the. event. that. two. or. more. interrupts. are. requested. at. the. same. time.. Communication. port. interrupts. have. the. highest. priority. and. time-based. interrupts. have. the. lowest. priority. Pulse Training Output (power takeoff). S7-200. PLCs. have. two. PTO/PWM generators. that. create. either. a. high-speed. pulse. train. or. a. pulse. width. modulated. waveform.. One. generator. is. assigned. o. output. point. Q0. 0. and. the. other. to. output . point. Q0. .. When. a. generator. is. activated,. it. controls. its. respective. output. Pulse Train Output (PTO). is. used. to. provide. a. series. of. pulses. to. an. output. device,. such. as. a. stepper. motor. driver.. The. PTO. provides. a. square. wave. output. for. a. specified. number. of. pulses. and. a. specified. cycle. time.. The. number. of. pulses. can. be. from. . to. 4,294,967 ,295. pulses.. The. Pulse. Train. Output. has. a. 50%. duty. cycle.. This. means. the. pulse. is. off. for. the. same. amount. of. time. that. it. is. on. 63 The. number. of. pulses. and. he. cycle. time. can. be. changed. with. an. interrupt.. In. the. accompanying. example,. each. pulse. is. initially. on. for. 500. ms. and. off. for. 500. ms.. After. four. pulses,. an. interrupt. occurs. which. changes. the. cycle. time. to. 2. seconds,. . second. on. and. . second. off. . 1 sec 1 sec 500 ms Interrupt Occurs Pulse comprehensiveness Modulation. (PWM) The. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) func tion. provides. a. fixed. cycle. time. with. a. variable. duty. cycle.. When. the. pulse. width. is. equal. to. the. cycle. time,. the. duty. cycle. is. 00%. and. the. output. is. turned. on. continuously.. In. the. following. example,. he. output. initially. has. a. 0%. duty. cycle. (on. 0%,. off. 90%).. After. an. interrupt,. the. output. switches. to. a. 50%. duty. cycle. (on. 50%,. off. 50%). On Off On Off 10% certificate of indebtedness Cycle 50% Duty Cycle Interrupt Occurs The. PWM. function. can. be. used. to. provide. a. programmable. or. adjustable. control. of. machine. timing.. This. allows. machine. operation. to. be. varied. to. compensate. for. product. variations. or. mechanical. wear. And Much More. The. instructions. listed. in. this. section. are. only. examples. of. the. types. of. instructions. available. for. S7-200. PLCs.. The. full. instruction. set. implicates. a. uch. broader. range. of. capabilities.. key. to. the. S7-200. System. Manual. for. additional . information. 64 Specialized Expansion facultys In. addition. to. the. expansion. modules. previously. discussed. that. provide. additional. discrete. or. analog. I/O,. several. expansion. modules. are. available. to. provide. communication. interfaces. or. specialized. I/O. functions. EM 241 Modem faculty One. of. these. modules. is. the EM 241 Modem module.. This. module. supports. communication. between. a. computer. with. STEP. 7. little/WIN. and. an. S7-200. PLC. SF/DIAG EM 241 MODEM 241-1AA22-0XA0 S7-200 PLC with EM 241 Modem ModuleModem Computer The. EM. 24. provides. an. international. telephone. line. interface. and. supports. sending. numeric. and. text. paging. messages,. as. well. as. SMS. (Short. Message. Service). messages. to. cellular. phones.. This. is. useful. for. remote. diagnostics. and. maintenance,. machine. control,. alarm. systems,. and. general. communication. functions. In. addition. to. mainframe computer-to- central processor. communication. via. a . telephone. line,. the. EM. 24. also. supports. Modbus. RTU. protocol,. a. protocol. that. has. been. widely. used. for. many. years. SINAUT MD 720-3 GSM/GPRS Modem Module SINAUT Telecontrol (Siemens interlock Automation). ermits networking. of. individual. controls. and. control. systems. over. a. WAN. (Wide. Area. Network).. One. approach. for. providing. this. capability. is. SINAUT Micro.. This. is. a. simple. and. flexible. way. to. link. stationary. or. mobile. stations. to. a. master. control. center.. SINAUT. Micro. is. appropriate. where. smaller. amounts. of. data. have. to. be. transmitted. to. permit. monitoring. and. control. of. remote. stations. using. wireless. techniques. with. the. General. Packet. Radio. Service. (GPRS). of. the. Global. System. for. Mobile. Communication. (GSM). mobile. radio. network.. 65 The.SINAUT MD720-3 GSM/GPRS Modem module. and. associated. ANT794-4MR antenna. are. the. hardware. elements. used. to. connect. an. S7-200. PLC. into. a. SIN AUT. Micro. system.. SINAUT Micro SC software. is. also. required. WinCC flexiible, WinCC get up S O C RS232 X1 SINAUT MD720-3 720-3AA00 SINAUT MD 720-3 GSM/GPRS Modem Module Antenna CP 243-1, CP 243-1 IT Communication Processors. Industrial. Ethernet. provides. a. proven. means. of. networking computers. and. a. variety. of. intelligent. devices.. CP 243-1 and CP 243-1 IT communication processors. are. used. to. connect. an. S7-200. PLC. to. an. Industrial Ethernet network. CP. 43-. and. CP. 243-. IT. communication. processors. can. be. used. to. connect. an. S7-200. PLC. via. Industrial. Ethernet. to. a. computer. running. STEP. 7. Micro/WIN.. This. allows. the. S7-200. PLC. to. be. configured,. programmed,. and. diagnosed. remotely.. In. addition,. an. S7-200. PLC. connected. to. an. Industrial. Ethernet. network. can. communicate. with. S7-200,. S7-300,. and. S7-400. PLCs. and. a. variety. of. other. devices. The. IT. functions. of. the. CP. 243-. IT. profit. module. simplify. the. process. of. setting. up. a. control. system. that. can. email. diagnostic. information. or. transfer. files. using.Internet. protocols. S7-200 PLC with CP 243-1 or CP 243-1 IT Communication Processor SF/DIAG SIMATIC S7-300 PLC CP 243-1 Ethernet CP 243-1EX00-0XE0 Industrial Ethernet Programming twist (PG) or Computer SIMATIC S7-400 PLC 66 EM 277 PROFIBUS-DP. Module. PROFIBUS DP. is. an. open,. international. fieldbus. communication standard. that. allows. a. broad. range. of. intelligent. devices. from. various. manufacturers. to. communicate. rapidly. and. efficiently.. This. reduces. wiring. costs. as. well. as. start-up. and. maintenance. expenses.. EM 277 PROFIBUS-DP module. allows. connection. of. the. S7-200. CPU. (CPU. 222. and. above). o. a. PROFIBUS-DP. network. as. a. slave.. Non-Siemens Controllers former(a) knowing Devices and Systems S7-200 PLC with EM 277 PROFIBUS DP Module SIMATIC S7 200 SF/DIAG RUN stuff 0 Other SIMATIC Controllers 2 4 0 2 8 X10 6 8 00 . 0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 01 . 0 . 1 CPU 224 AC/DC/RLY X1 6 4 EM 277 PROFIBUS-DP CPU FAULT POWER DP geological fault DX MODE I0 .0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 I1 .0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 PORT 0 PROFIBUS DP I/O Systems Display Systems Computers CP 243-2 AS-Interface check Module Actuator Sensor Interface (AS-Interface or AS-i). is. a. system for. networking. field. devices. such. as. sensors. and. actuators. ith. control. and. operator. interface. devices.. AS-i. replaces. the. extensive. parallel. wiring. often. used. to. connect. sensors. and. actuators. to. controllers. with. a. simple. 2-core. cable.. The. cable. is. designed. so. that. devices. can. only. be. connected. correctly. CP 243-2 AS-Interface headwaiter module. allows. connection. of. the. S7-200. CPU. (CPU. 222. and. above). to. a. AS-I. network. as. a. master.. S7-200 PLC with CP 243-2 AS-Interface overlook Module SIMATIC S7 200 SF/DIAG RUN waive 00 . 0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 01 . 0 . 1 CPU 224 AC/DC/RLY CM conditioned emotion pressurized water reactor APF SF B SET AS-Interface Master CP 243-2 AUP 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 I0 .0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 I1 .0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 DISPLAY 6GK7 243-2AX01-0XA0 AS-Interface agency go forth Slaves Repeater AS-Interface Power Supply Slaves PORT 0 100 meters S7-200 PLC with CP 243-2 AS-Interface Master Module SIMATIC S7 200 SF/DIAG RUN tap 00 . 0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 01 . 0 . 1 100 meters CPU 224 AC/DC/RLY CM CER PWR APF SF B SET AS-Interface Master CP 243-2 AUP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 AS-Interface Power Supply Slaves Slaves AS-Interface perpetuation PlugI0 .0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 I1 .0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 DISPLAY 6GK7 243-2AX01-0XA0 PORT 0 200 meters 67 EM 253 Position Module. Position. control. describes. a. range. of. applications. that. involve. movement. with. varying. degrees. of. precision .. The. EM 253 Position module. is. a. simple. but. powerful. positioning. module. that. enables. the. user. to. control. position. systems. from. microsteppers. to. intelligent. servo. drives. (with. integrated. closed-loop. control). SF/DIAG MF MG P0 DIS P1 CLR PWR EM 253 Position STP ZP LMT RPS + 253-1AA22-0XA0 S7-200 PLC with EM 253 Position Module EM 253 Features. Features. f. the. module. include . . . . . . . . . Provides. high-speed. control. with. a. range. from. 20. to.. 200,000. pulse. per. second Supports. both. S. curve. or. linear. acceleration. and. deceleration Provides. a. configurable. measuring. system. that. allows. you. to. enter. data. as. engineering. units. (such. as. inches. or. centimeters). or. as. a. number. of. pulses Provides. configurable. backlash. compensation Supports. absolute,. relative,. and. manual. methods. of. position. control Provides. continuous. operation Provides. up. to. 25. motion. profiles. with. up. to. 4. speed. changes. per. profil e Provides. our. different. reference-point. seek. modes. with. a. choice. of. the. starting. seek. direction. and. final. approach. direction. for. each. sequence Provides. removable. field. wiring. connectors. for. easy. installation. and. removal 68 Expansion Modules for Temperature Measurement Two. S7-200. PLC. expansion. modules. are. available. for. immaculate temperature. measurement, EM 231 thermocouple junction module and EM 231 RTD module. EM. 23. Thermocouple. module. provides. analog. inputs. for. thermocouples.. A. thermocouple. is. a. temperature. sensor. made. from. two. dissimilar. metals. joined. at. a. point. called. a. junction..A. thermocouple. produces. a. small. voltage. that. is. dependent. upon. temperature.. Various. types. of. thermocouples. are. available. for. use. in. different. temperature. ranges.. Two. versions. of. EM. 23. Thermocouple. modules. are. available,. one. for. four. thermocouples. and. one. for. eight. thermocouples.. Each. version. is. compatible. with. J,. K,. T,. E,. R,. S,. or. N. thermocouples,. but. the. thermocouples. used. with. a. specific. module. must. be. of. the. same. type. EM. 23. RTD. module. provides. analog. inputs. for. oppositeness temperature detectors (RTDs).. An. RTD. is. a. temperature. sensor. made. rom. a. metal,. such. as. platinum,. nickel,. or. copper,. that. varies. in. resistance. in. a. predictable. manner. as. temperature. varies.. Two. versions. of. the. EM. 23. RTD. module. are. available,. one. with. two. analog. inputs. and. one. with. four. analog. inputs.. Either. version. can. be. used. with. a. variety. of. RTD. types,. but. the. RTDs. used. with. a. specific. module. must. be. of. the. same. type. SIMATIC S7 200 SF/DIAG RUN STOP 00 . 0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 01 . 0 . 1 CPU 224 AC/DC/RLY +24 VDC SF EM 231 AI4 TC I0 .0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 I1 .0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 243-7PD22-0XA0 PORT 0S7-200 PLC with EM 231 Expansion Module A+ A- B+ B- C+ C- D+ D- A+ A- a+ a- B+ B- b+ b- M L+ human body M L+ word form + 24 VDC adjoin to the S7-200 Programmable Controller System Manual for Configuration DIP Switch Positions + 24 VDC Refer to the S7-200 Programmable Controller System Manual for Configuration DIP Switch Positions EM 231 Thermocouple module, 4 Input Version EM 231 RTD module, 2 Input Version 69 SIWAREX MS Weighing Module SIWAREX MS Weighing module provides.. a. simple,. easy to. install. approach. for. weighing. and. force. measurement. applications.. SWAREX. MS. Weighing. module. is. designed. to. measure. the. oltage. produced. by. sensors. commonly. used. to. measure. weight,. force,. or. torque. SIWAREX. MS. is. easily. integrated. into. an. S7-200. PLC. system. as. an. expansion. module.. This. makes. information. obtained. from. SIWAREX. MS. available. to. other. components. of. the. automation. system.. In. addition,. Siemens. offers. a. wide. variety. of. compatible. sensors. and. other. components. S7-200 PLC with SIWAREX MS Mod ule SIMATIC S7 200 SF/DIAG RUN STOP 00 . 0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 01 .0 . 1 CPU 224XP DC/DC/DC SF I NET p I SIWAREX MS -00 T Tp T o SIWAREX R Load cellphone Touch Panel TP 177micro 0 reexamine 6 .. Three. types. of. SIMATIC. counters. available. in. the. S7-200. instruction. set. are. ____________,. ____________. and. ____________. 2 CPU. 22. and. CPU. 222. support. ____. high. speed. counters.. CPU. 224,. CPU. 224XP ,. CPU. 224XPsi,. and. CPU. 226. support. ____. high. speed. counters. 3.. S7-200. PLCs. have. two. ___________. that. create. either. a. high-speed. pulse. train. or. a. pulse-width. modulated. waveform. 4.. ________. and. ________. communication. processors. are. used. to. connect. an. S7-200. PLC. to. an. Industrial. Ethernet. network. 5.. _________. module. allows. connection. of. an.S7-200. CPU. (CPU222. and. above). to. a. PROFIBUS-DP. network. as. a. slave. 6.. _________. module. allows. connection. of. an. S7-200. CPU. (CPU222. and. above). to. an. AS-I . network. as. a. master. 7 .. Two. versions. of. EM. 23. Thermocouple. module. are. available,. one. for. ____. thermocouples. and. one. for. ____. thermocouples. 8.. Two. versions. of. EM. 23. RTD. module. are. available,. one. for. ____. RTDs. and. one. for. ____. RTDs. 7 recapitulation Answers freshen 1 brush up 2. . Review 3. Review 4. ). a. input. module,. b. CPU,. c. output. module,. d. programming. device,. e. operator. interface. 2). 2. 3). 6. 4). 00,. 000. 0000,. A. ). discrete. 2). discrete. 3). CPU. 4). Ladder. logic. 5). Statement. list,. function. block. diagrams. 6). scan. 7)024. 8). microcode 9). RS-485. ). CPU. 22,. CPU. 222,. CPU. 224,. CPU. 224XP ,. CPU. 224XPsi,. CPU. 226. 2). b. 3). 2,. 7. 4). 8,. 6. 5). 4,. 0. 6). Q0. 3. 7). DIN. ). a. box,. b. normally. open. contact,. c. coil. 2). AND. Function. -. a. 0,. b. 0,. c. 0,. d. ,. OR. Function. -. e. 0,. f. ,. g. ,. h. . 3). I0. ,. I0. 0,. Q0. 0. ). 224XP. 2). On-Delay. Timer. (TON),. Retentive. On-Delay. Timer. (TONR),. Off-Delay. Timer. (TOF). . 3). 3276. 7. seconds. ). Retentive. On-Delay. Timer. (TONR). 5). On-Delay. Timer. (TON),. Off-Delay. Timer. (TOF),. Pulse. Timer. (TP). ). Count. Up. Counter. (CTU),. Count. Down. Counter. (CTD),. Count. Up/Down. Counter. (CTUD). 2). 4,. 6. 3). PTO/PWM. generators 4). CP. 243-,. CP. 243-. IT. 5). EM. 277. PROFIBUS-DP 6). CP. 243-2. AS-Interface. Master. 7). 4,. 8. 8). 2,. 4.. Review 5. Review 6. 72 73 terminal Exam You. can. test. your. knowledge. by. taking. the. final. exam. for. this. course. online. at. http//www. usa. siemens. com/step.. This. web. page. provides. links. to. a. variety. of. our. quickSTEP. online. courses.. To. complete. he. final. exam. for. this. course,. click. on. the. Basics of PLCs. link.. Next,. move. your. mouse. over. to. the. left. so. that. the. navigation. bar. pops. out. and. select. the. Final Exam. link.. The. final. exam. page. will. appear.. Before. taking. the. final. exam,. it. is. recommended. that. you. delete. the. temporary. files. on. your. computer.. For. most. versions. of. Internet Explorer,. you. can. do. this. by. selecting. Internet Options. from. the. Tools. menu. and. then. clicking. on. the. Delete Files. button.. If. you. do. not. perform. this. step,. you. may. see. a. score. of. 0%. after. you. submit. your. xam. for. grading. After. you. complete. the. final. exam,. click. on. the. stray the Exam. button. at. the. bottom. of. the. page.. Your. score. on. the. exam. will. be. displayed. along. with. the. questions. that. you. missed.. If. you. score. 70%. or. better. on. the. exam,. you. will. be. given. two. options. for. displaying. and. printing. a. certificate. of. completion.. The. Print Certificate. option. allows. you. to. display. and. print. the. certificate. without. saving. your. score. in. our. database. and. the. Save Score. option. allows. you. to. save. your. score. and. display. and. print. your. certificate. 74

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